Take your audience from ‘who’s that?’ to ‘give me what they’re selling’

It’s time to get your audience from just seeing your content to actively buying from you (ideally while you sip on Fruit Tingles and relax by the beach). The heavy lifting can be done by me, and get that niggly task ticked off your to-do list and move the needle on your business goals!

Interested? Book a call!
Take your audience from 'who's that?' to 'give me what they're selling'

Wait, is this right for you?

Feeling like you’re constantly juggling all the balls but not actually getting your launches planned or your email automations sorted?

I get it, launches can be overwhelming and create a lot of procrastination techniques you used to use in high school when avoiding writing that essay. Or maybe it’s that your email automations aren’t bringing you in any revenue - and everyone says that they should be

I’ve got the marketing expertise to take your marketing from ugh to what-the-actual, and starting bringing in that consistent revenue for you.

Planning and Mapping of Your Next Launch or Sale

Sometimes you just want to have someone who’s been there, done that, and will be doing it again later to set up your plan for that next sale you want to have or launch a new item (or even relaunch your brand).

It means that you can just breathe a massive sigh of relief, just knowing that it’s DONE. And the best part is that you can choose whether you just have it mapped out for you, or if you get it all done too.

One client who used my marketing launch strategies had a 350% increase in their webinar sign ups!

Pricing will vary based on your individual needs.

Automations for Your Email Marketing

This is often the place where so many come unstuck, they know they should be using automations in their email marketing because they can have such a huge return, but when it comes to setting them up they question everything - and often have the wrong triggers added (eek!)

So rather than throwing it into the ’too hard basket’ let’s pull them out and get them done and start making some revenue thanks to those automations! This can be done on ANY email marketing platform (provided you have the ability to set up automations).

Clients who set up automations for their emails with me see up to an 90% increase in revenue.

Pricing will vary based on your individual needs.

Stop letting your marketing funnels or next launch stress you out!

It’s time to make the investment and sort your Email & Launch Funnels so they work for you, not adding more stress and overwhelm when you’re trying to run your business. I’ll streamline your processes, give you clarity, and boost your results. BUT I only have space for 4 projects each month, so don’t wait!
Organise a chat